Posted on January 14, 2017
My Gaming History
2002 was my first year ever attempting to play a video game.
My dad replaced his Windows 98 PC when he upgraded to Windows XP.
I was five.
The first game that I booted up was Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds.

Very fun game. Had a blast playing it.
With the help of my father, I finished it in one day.
From that point on I was hooked.
Following the years after that, I’ve amassed quite an extensive collection.

Terrible haircut, but Kingdom Hearts II was worth it.
I’m a fan of home consoles, but the bulk of my gaming took place on PC.
This was mainly due to the higher sense of control over what I played.
Freddi the fish was the game! I played it when I was a kid too, had it on my Apple 2 computer my dad gave me.
I still have that computer somewhere, its power supply is ruined though.