: A Year In Review

Happy 1st anniversary for the launch of this website.


So I’ve been running my website for an entire year now, and in doing so, I’ve done quite a bit of things

In the past year, I:

  1. Made 12 new videos for my YouTube Page. Started a Patreon
  2. Opened my own digital storefront and sold over 420 listings.
  3. Painted 7 paintings
  4. Digitally edited over 100 graphic designs
  5. Created over 120 posts, all with moderate levels of content
  6. Started a Twitter account and wrote over 275 tweets
  7. Launched an Instagram with over 50 posts
  8. Edited and designed 20 digital comics

So far, I think that I did okay with the digital work that I did in the past year.

I plan on improving heavily over the next year, so prepare for some positive changes.

As for what comes next, that relies on what job I end up with in six months.

See you then.

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