Tuesday, August 7th, 2018

Day 7839

Day 7839

 Day 7839

Critical in Tone
Brandon Andrew Grisham

Tuesday, August 7th, 2018
Day # 7,839

I went to see Eighth Grade today. I caught the 1:25 showtime, and after an absurd number of trailers, I found it to be a great first film by Bo Burnham. I’ve followed his work over the years, so this was an interesting project. His “mark” was obvious in some scenes, so it was fun to get absorbed. It took a while to become invested, but by the pool party scene I was hooked. It wasn’t a funny and was deeply uncomfortable. It made for a better film in my opinion, as the character development and awkward performances had more room to breathe.

I’m quite certain that the “truth or dare” scene cemented a place in my memory as one of the most intense moments I’ve ever had in a cinema. If anything, this film tackles heavy stakes in a very well-done way. I was impressed and had a good time watching it. The music played when the “love interest” shows up absolutely cracked me up. It was a good film to see, both alone and with an audience reacting to the cringe-worthiness.

This morning started at 7:45, yet I still wound up sleeping until 10:30. I took a shower, got dressed, and cleaned my room. [Someone] called and ask me to [house-sit], so I packed an overnight bag and arrived at 3:30. There is little in terms of entertainment here, so I plan to have an early night.

I managed to visit Goodwill and spent [money]. I purchased some VHS tapes (Coming to America, Hook, Kazaam, etc.) a cobalt blue celestial mug and a Bob Ross painting guidebook.

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I’ve needed to work on my website more often, but finding the time to make a significant dent in it is challenging. When I setup a post, I can’t take a break and resume my work later. It needs to be in a single instance in order to maintain my thought process. Returning to work on an older post/page is hard to get into again. In a way, the Internet has destroyed my attention span.

My goal is to keep creating film reviews, as is displays a singular opinion met with others who wither agree or disagree. It is a solid way to create regularly updating content, as I have a deep fascination with films/movies. As an artistic medium, it embodies the current cultural mindset and there is a metric f***ton of films left in my back catalog to critique. Equal parts relatable content and desire for viewed opinions.

Along with my reviews/discussions, I work to write notes about the specific film to offer to those that donate. If I can get a sizable following, I may be able to make a part-time career out of them. The Internet is full of people, so if I can appeal to a few thousand generous browsers for a dollar, I may just have a more enjoyable job in the future.

Once I’ve built up a decent number (~50), I’ll begin to turn my written reviews into videos. These won’t just be quick take, but more focused weekly projects. It’ll all be fairly impressive by the time I’ve put a few years into it and have over 100 projects finished. From there, I may spin off into other outlets like a podcast or perhaps written work. Who knows? I’m just going to focus on building up my website for the moment.

567 words.



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