Thursday, August 9th, 2018

Day 7841

Day 7841 Day 7841

Bundle of Nerves
Brandon Andrew Grisham

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018
Day # 7,840

Today was stressful. Honestly, I didn’t do much and I was on edge most of the day. I woke up at 6:05, yet instead of leaping out of bed, my stupid and lazy ass slept until 10:30.

After checking my phone, I remained in bed until 11:20. My embarrassment from this knows no bounds and I followed it with a quick shower and shave. If anything, I don’t spend large chunks of time showering, as I switched to cold water.

After my late start, I made coffee and put up a few dishes. Following that, I played the final 4 levels of Plants vs. Zombies, beating the game and ending my desire to play again.

The next task was to work on my painting, which I put a combined effort of roughly 3 hours into. There is still a good number of hours left to go, but I did put enough progress into it that I can picture the end result.

What I am still wondering is if I should add an additional layer to add color and subdue the noise created by the ink. It may look busy, so I may need to put another few days into it to truly finish it.

This painting is frustrating me to no end, as my patience with this singular project is nuts. I’m taking a break before I add more color. I’m just tired of looking at it, so I need to refresh myself with a smaller an less intense project.

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Besides that, the only other notable events were exercising and my nightly writing. I’ve finished my third thesaurus page, so progress is incremental with that. The finished expectation is about 70 pages, so I may be done by December. We’ll see.

[Someone] gave me a side-quest to go pick up some mustard for egg salad. I obliged, even though I dislike potato salad. After a quick half-hour trip I returned with the item.

On the drive to the quick stop (Dollar General), I sang along to my Carly Rae Jepson album, E*MO*TION. I’m not sure why I love that album so much but singing helps my vocal range.

My singing ability is decent, so some practice improves my long-term lung capacity. Singing makes me happy. Only singular car rides are perfect practice for that loud hobby. There were some hot wing Doritos that I purchased as well.

My night is now spent finishing this and waiting for [woman] to arrive after work. [Family member] misinformed me about when she would be leaving, so I’m not sure how things will play out now that I’m not alone.

I guess I was less worried about interrupted conversation but now I have no clue. I’d prefer if we didn’t sit talking in the living room, as [my family] are outside entertaining a friend. I don’t want to be cut short by an interruption.

480 words.



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