About Me
Hello, my name is Brandon Grisham.
I run this website.
Think of it like an interactive business card anyone can access.
Yes, I’m aware that I look ridiculous in that photo.
Main Information
- 26-year-old human male living in Jackson, Mississippi
- Online Network Manager for Emmerich Newspapers (20+ Mississippi newspapers)
- I graduated from Mississippi State University with a Bachelors in Business Information Systems.
I’ve been working on my YouTube Channel since 2009.
I have a few thousand subscribers and over 1.5 Million Views total.
I built my first desktop PC in December of 2012
This website went live in 2016, over five years ago. Still going.
I won a national award for my web development work for my University’s newspaper in 2020.
Won the same award the following year (2021) as well. I think my school has the trophy.
I published my first novel in May of 2020.
Published my second novel in December of 2021.
Tiny accomplishments
– Learning piano.
– I’ve watched over 1,000 different films and I’m keeping an updated record.
– Can hum and whistle at the same time.
– I can recite Alphabet Aerobics, from Blackalicious’s A2G EP, from memory.
In Conclusion
These may not sound like great accomplishments to interesting or fairly intelligent people.
Still, I have my own personal website.
That certainly sets me apart from some of my peers.
Thank you for reading!

You can click here for my dramatic backstory.