Posted on January 2, 2019
Internet Notes: Page 2
Day 7987
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019
Brandon Andrew Grisham
Top replied to threads involve space, free will and climate change.
- While an “educated” board, not very happy. Helpful though.
- Math is the popular field to discuss. Little Bio/Chem.
Kahn Academy is a solid math introduction, then textbooks.
While classic literature is pleasant they are mostly words without substance.
- A course of general philosophy is more structured.
––– /lit/ – Literature –––
NoFap (no masturbation/porn) is a growing goal/trend.
- Calm results leading to a positive outlook on life.
- Cold showers/ Diet/ Exercise/ Meditation/ Reading
Do well and few take notice. Screw up once and they’ll never forget.
The Internet is a melting pot that everyone throws stuff into.
- Not every ingredient is fresh or tasty.
As animals, humans have an odd view of what life is.
- Everyone has personal matters that don’t matter to others.