Posted on April 7, 2020
Reddit Weekly – Top Comment Count (04/01/2020 – 04/07/2020)
Warning: Some of the text in this dataset is
Not Safe For Work.
Apologies, but the Internet (and reality) has some NSFW content.
There are 59 NSFW subreddits in this list of 1,373 (4.29%).
In order to maintain the validity of this data, the names of the subreddits have not been edited.
PRAW (Reddit API), Python, Pandas and Excel.
Top Commented-to Subreddits
(From 04/01 – 04/07)
Subreddit | Comments | NSFW? |
AskReddit | 591198 | |
Coronavirus | 258768 | |
politics | 222620 | |
memes | 206094 | |
wallstreetbets | 188667 | |
worldnews | 179453 | |
teenagers | 176621 | |
AnimalCrossing | 133731 | |
unpopularopinion | 113110 | |
AmItheAsshole | 103015 | |
ACTrade | 93402 | |
funny | 88117 | |
pan | 81540 | |
dankmemes | 79478 | |
SquaredCircle | 79047 | |
distantsocializing | 75478 | |
news | 72608 | |
gonewild | 71604 | X |
acturnips | 67132 | |
gaming | 62931 | |
pics | 62144 | |
Minecraft | 61676 | |
aww | 61486 | |
conspiracy | 60960 | |
relationship_advice | 60573 | |
talentShow | 59545 | |
AnimalsOnReddit | 58930 | |
PoliticalCompassMemes | 57776 | |
PewdiepieSubmissions | 55438 | |
PS4 | 54031 | |
nfl | 53723 | |
modernwarfare | 52987 | |
leagueoflegends | 52086 | |
todayilearned | 48744 | |
TheYouShow | 46731 | |
ChapoTrapHouse | 46660 | |
PublicFreakout | 46241 | |
mountandblade | 46031 | |
FreeKarma4U | 45223 | |
Market76 | 44698 | |
videos | 44236 | |
FortNiteBR | 42170 | |
RedditSessions | 41020 | |
nba | 40698 | |
neoliberal | 38952 | |
pcmasterrace | 38229 | |
AskOuija | 37473 | |
Animemes | 37381 | |
ukpolitics | 37107 | |
interestingasfuck | 36443 | |
ac_newhorizons | 35625 | |
NoStupidQuestions | 35082 | |
ShitPostCrusaders | 34954 | |
Cringetopia | 34564 | |
trashy | 34045 | |
anime | 33777 | |
apexlegends | 33595 | |
Showerthoughts | 33222 | |
india | 32770 | |
xboxone | 32057 | |
nextfuckinglevel | 31722 | |
DestinyTheGame | 31702 | |
soccer | 31537 | |
movies | 31417 | |
TheArtistStudio | 31207 | |
canada | 31133 | |
gtaonline | 30976 | |
FIFA | 30110 | |
europe | 28186 | |
askteenboys | 27961 | |
mildlyinteresting | 27944 | |
Pikabu | 27775 | |
thedivision | 26590 | |
pathofexile | 26581 | |
magicTCG | 26523 | |
RoastMe | 26006 | |
buildapc | 25832 | |
de | 25443 | |
insanepeoplefacebook | 25340 | |
MMA | 24916 | |
AskMen | 24520 | |
EscapefromTarkov | 24364 | |
unitedkingdom | 24274 | |
JusticeServed | 24133 | |
CallOfDutyMobile | 23914 | |
PrequelMemes | 23859 | |
NintendoSwitch | 23785 | |
Rainbow6 | 23484 | |
nottheonion | 23205 | |
australia | 23064 | |
Brawlstars | 22899 | |
residentevil | 22794 | |
PokemonSwordAndShield | 22695 | |
Doom | 22693 | |
MakeNewFriendsHere | 22672 | |
rupaulsdragrace | 22325 | |
China_Flu | 22270 | |
Imposter | 21951 | |
HistoryMemes | 21855 | |
gifs | 21411 | |
RocketLeagueExchange | 21361 | |
CODWarzone | 21299 | |
Philippines | 21115 | |
PoliticalHumor | 21026 | |
facepalm | 20903 | |
WhitePeopleTwitter | 20882 | |
WTF | 20379 | |
counting | 20067 | |
barstoolsports | 19911 | |
okbuddyretard | 19705 | |
OnePiece | 19223 | |
worldpolitics | 19192 | |
FFVIIRemake | 19132 | |
MurderedByWords | 19095 | |
television | 19072 | |
2007scape | 18952 | |
AMA | 18767 | |
BlackPeopleTwitter | 18706 | |
IdiotsInCars | 18620 | |
Games | 18392 | |
WatchPeopleDieInside | 18384 | |
TigerKing | 18073 | |
blursedimages | 18055 | |
pokemontrades | 18022 | |
argentina | 17927 | |
MakeMeSuffer | 17806 | |
TheGamerLounge | 17742 | |
AnimalCrossingNewHor | 17630 | |
90DayFiance | 17235 | |
VALORANT | 17207 | |
classicwow | 16898 | |
Warframe | 16829 | |
PoliticalCompassMeme… | 16740 | |
survivor | 16725 | |
nyc | 16716 | |
france | 16715 | |
gonewild30plus | 16706 | X |
Whatcouldgowrong | 16639 | |
Conservative | 16361 | |
therewasanattempt | 16217 | |
iamatotalpieceofshit | 16029 | |
ireland | 16023 | |
relationships | 16012 | |
trees | 16001 | |
CasualConversation | 15881 | |
singapore | 15868 | |
Libertarian | 15808 | |
deadbydaylight | 15778 | |
Warthunder | 15730 | |
Wellthatsucks | 15709 | |
newzealand | 15568 | |
Advice | 15518 | |
investing | 15430 | |
hiphopheads | 15413 | |
Christianity | 15307 | |
italy | 15249 | |
personalfinance | 15062 | |
TrueOffMyChest | 15046 | |
sex | 15033 | |
cursedcomments | 14932 | |
OldSchoolCool | 14907 | |
ihaveihaveihavereddit | 14864 | |
LifeProTips | 14854 | |
exmormon | 14719 | |
Dodocodes | 14471 | |
MLBTheShow | 14469 | |
atheism | 14234 | |
GachaLifeCringe | 14189 | |
westworld | 14014 | |
GlobalOffensive | 14013 | |
grandorder | 13893 | |
oddlysatisfying | 13885 | |
CoronavirusUS | 13829 | |
CasualUK | 13772 | |
hearthstone | 13755 | |
technology | 13636 | |
thebachelor | 13576 | |
wow | 13548 | |
brasil | 13488 | |
SandersForPresident | 13488 | |
Winkerpack | 13387 | |
tumblr | 13333 | |
pcgaming | 13185 | |
borderlands3 | 13111 | |
Random_Acts_Of_Amazon | 13091 | |
Music | 13034 | |
guns | 12996 | |
TwoBestFriendsPlay | 12935 | |
starterpacks | 12916 | |
Persona5 | 12898 | |
Romania | 12868 | |
Jokes | 12852 | |
UpliftingNews | 12836 | |
Sub4Sub | 12732 | |
BBW | 12720 | X |
FireEmblemHeroes | 12608 | |
PersonalFinanceCanada | 12595 | |
wholesomememes | 12582 | |
mildlyinfuriating | 12540 | |
RandomActsOfGaming | 12401 | |
meme | 12324 | |
vancouver | 12305 | |
dataisbeautiful | 12296 | |
AskAnAmerican | 12269 | |
DnD | 12149 | |
pokemon | 12079 | |
tipofmytongue | 12037 | |
Gamingcirclejerk | 12022 | |
NBA2k | 11983 | |
stocks | 11672 | |
Unexpected | 11598 | |
destiny2 | 11453 | |
StarWars | 11429 | |
AskWomen | 11400 | |
FortniteCompetitive | 11345 | |
COVID19 | 11329 | |
Tinder | 11271 | |
DotA2 | 11264 | |
steam_giveaway | 11222 | |
lgbt | 11179 | |
Documentaries | 11156 | |
chubby | 11149 | X |
NoahGetTheBoat | 11130 | |
AskEurope | 11082 | |
TooAfraidToAsk | 11059 | |
SmashBrosUltimate | 11036 | |
toronto | 11034 | |
baseball | 10977 | |
insaneparents | 10965 | |
cats | 10921 | |
MaddenUltimateTeam | 10907 | |
CoronavirusUK | 10890 | |
manga | 10884 | |
AsiansGoneWild | 10858 | X |
burdurland | 10798 | |
HumansBeingBros | 10755 | |
dndnext | 10651 | |
cars | 10616 | |
dndmemes | 10611 | |
EDH | 10577 | |
BokuNoHeroAcademia | 10563 | |
SDSGrandCross | 10514 | |
ApplyingToCollege | 10497 | |
StarWarsBattlefront | 10472 | |
science | 10457 | |
tf2 | 10387 | |
ffxiv | 10338 | |
arknights | 10248 | |
LivestreamFail | 10233 | |
Sneakers | 10229 | |
GaybrosGoneWild | 10187 | X |
Drugs | 10088 | |
legaladvice | 10081 | |
NatureIsFuckingLit | 10076 | |
awfuleverything | 10024 | |
food | 10007 | |
titanfolk | 10004 | |
me_irl | 9987 | |
BattlefieldV | 9929 | |
LosAngeles | 9929 | |
Terraria | 9927 | |
RedDeadOnline | 9827 | |
tifu | 9813 | |
Warhammer40k | 9788 | |
AdviceAnimals | 9770 | |
DarkHumorAndMemes | 9756 | |
MB2Bannerlord | 9703 | |
CFB | 9685 | |
WayOfTheBern | 9644 | |
MadeMeSmile | 9639 | |
Nioh | 9602 | |
RealGirls | 9559 | X |
FashionReps | 9530 | |
stevenuniverse | 9488 | |
AzureLane | 9441 | |
RocketLeague | 9385 | |
hockey | 9350 | |
changemyview | 9347 | |
fo76 | 9309 | |
MechanicalKeyboards | 9308 | |
EpicSeven | 9249 | |
Damnthatsinteresting | 9233 | |
traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns | 9194 | |
PurplePillDebate | 9183 | |
indonesia | 9141 | |
blogsnark | 9134 | |
RedditInTheKitchen | 9057 | |
NoFap | 9056 | |
smallbusiness | 9018 | |
SelfAwarewolves | 9000 | |
weed | 8996 | |
AskTeenGirls | 8945 | |
hardwareswap | 8942 | |
DBZDokkanBattle | 8924 | |
runescape | 8904 | |
formula1 | 8871 | |
ChoosingBeggars | 8849 | |
airsoft | 8798 | |
TheSilphRoad | 8795 | |
teenagersnew | 8643 | |
preppers | 8625 | |
TwoXChromosomes | 8598 | |
LSD | 8594 | |
Austin | 8521 | |
walmart | 8496 | |
IndiaSpeaks | 8470 | |
3Dprinting | 8469 | |
brasilivre | 8456 | |
BravoRealHousewives | 8431 | |
britishproblems | 8393 | |
Portland | 8371 | |
skyrim | 8353 | |
Competitiveoverwatch | 8350 | |
ClashRoyale | 8262 | |
coolguides | 8255 | |
melbourne | 8240 | |
mexico | 8220 | |
MagicArena | 8197 | |
whereintheworld | 8176 | |
askgaybros | 8156 | |
fivenightsatfreddys | 8146 | |
Amd | 8109 | |
DunderMifflin | 8102 | |
TrueFMK | 8092 | X |
dating_advice | 8080 | |
gardening | 8073 | |
HolUp | 8035 | |
GunAccessoriesForSale | 8030 | |
marvelstudios | 8008 | |
techsupport | 7943 | |
fightporn | 7918 | |
Calgary | 7914 | |
Overwatch | 7901 | |
explainlikeimfive | 7881 | |
jailbreak | 7832 | |
ontario | 7814 | |
vegan | 7803 | |
MapPorn | 7779 | |
EliteDangerous | 7768 | |
Wuhan_Flu | 7741 | |
gundeals | 7729 | |
Enough_Sanders_Spam | 7727 | |
KGBTR | 7717 | |
MGTOW | 7642 | |
microgrowery | 7562 | |
woodworking | 7548 | |
childfree | 7538 | |
traps | 7526 | X |
Justrolledintotheshop | 7499 | |
sysadmin | 7413 | |
stupidpol | 7411 | |
CasualPokemonTrades | 7387 | |
Economics | 7357 | |
RPClipsGTA | 7357 | |
shrooms | 7354 | |
DragonballLegends | 7352 | |
Repsneakers | 7338 | |
JUSTNOMIL | 7336 | |
forhonor | 7315 | |
HermitCraft | 7296 | |
books | 7287 | |
BuddyCrossing | 7267 | |
TikTokCringe | 7254 | |
AskRedditAfterDark | 7248 | X |
assholedesign | 7248 | |
MonsterHunterWorld | 7242 | |
hentai | 7241 | X |
CallMeCarson | 7232 | |
collapse | 7221 | |
trump | 7220 | |
TranscribersOfReddit | 7209 | |
ottawa | 7198 | |
MassiveCock | 7197 | X |
Art | 7187 | |
sweden | 7180 | |
ar15 | 7171 | |
ConsumeProduct | 7161 | |
reddeadredemption | 7143 | |
Bannerlord | 7127 | |
HalfLife | 7052 | |
ProgrammerHumor | 7047 | |
MortalKombat | 7031 | |
popheads | 7029 | |
TIHI | 6992 | |
portugal | 6908 | |
Chodi | 6900 | |
OnePunchMan | 6884 | |
suggestmeabook | 6882 | |
TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 | 6869 | |
AdoptMyVillager | 6842 | |
croatia | 6834 | |
doordash | 6827 | |
WorldOfWarships | 6802 | |
niceguys | 6801 | |
entitledparents | 6798 | |
nursing | 6785 | |
MaddenMobileForums | 6717 | |
depression | 6710 | |
aprilfools | 6647 | |
NaughtyWives | 6636 | X |
HomeImprovement | 6629 | |
betterCallSaul | 6613 | |
KidsAreFuckingStupid | 6604 | |
furry_irl | 6587 | |
pussy | 6579 | X |
whatisthisthing | 6576 | |
WinStupidPrizes | 6575 | |
offmychest | 6564 | |
collegesluts | 6555 | X |
Denmark | 6533 | |
nintendo | 6528 | |
PS5 | 6479 | |
ClashOfClans | 6453 | |
40kLore | 6441 | |
StardewValley | 6428 | |
holdmyfeedingtube | 6397 | |
Guitar | 6375 | |
ABoringDystopia | 6361 | |
serbia | 6353 | |
Cooking | 6351 | |
IncelTears | 6326 | |
Android | 6319 | |
harrypotter | 6280 | |
PetiteGoneWild | 6258 | X |
PokemonSwordAndShiel… | 6258 | |
Grimdank | 6222 | |
SkincareAddiction | 6206 | |
gwent | 6204 | |
AskUK | 6176 | |
horror | 6174 | |
instantkarma | 6161 | |
stopdrinking | 6147 | |
apple | 6139 | |
lego | 6131 | |
ratemycock | 6110 | X |
houseplants | 6109 | |
Seaofthieves | 6104 | |
IncelsWithoutHate | 6089 | |
jacksepticeye | 6083 | |
starcitizen | 6083 | |
sydney | 6078 | |
wotv_ffbe | 6053 | |
chicago | 6022 | |
DragaliaLost | 6022 | |
elderscrollsonline | 5995 | |
yugioh | 5994 | |
CozyPlaces | 5982 | |
bayarea | 5971 | |
DDLC | 5917 | |
FORTnITE | 5912 | |
ksi | 5912 | |
boston | 5909 | |
Idubbbz | 5908 | |
OculusQuest | 5890 | |
dogelore | 5887 | |
Beastars | 5885 | |
Aquariums | 5884 | |
CollegeBasketball | 5864 | |
FreeKarma4You | 5842 | |
Stellaris | 5841 | |
mechmarket | 5833 | |
Smite | 5823 | |
Undertale | 5804 | |
battlestations | 5796 | |
humblebundles | 5786 | |
exjw | 5736 | |
SeattleWA | 5721 | |
NHLHUT | 5706 | |
Futurology | 5705 | |
Austria | 5696 | |
DemocratsforDiversity | 5690 | |
Paladins | 5685 | |
RimWorld | 5684 | |
motorcycles | 5683 | |
houston | 5676 | |
selfie | 5666 | |
Breath_of_the_Wild | 5664 | |
SummonSign | 5662 | |
TheRightCantMeme | 5648 | |
SubredditDrama | 5635 | |
Watches | 5616 | |
lawschooladmissions | 5571 | |
LateStageCapitalism | 5570 | |
LeopardsAteMyFace | 5561 | |
CoronavirusDownunder | 5555 | |
FemBoys | 5555 | X |
chile | 5551 | |
pokemongo | 5545 | |
JoeRogan | 5539 | |
liluzivert | 5529 | |
just2good | 5499 | |
IAmA | 5487 | |
rareinsults | 5463 | |
raisedbynarcissists | 5446 | |
Bitcoin | 5442 | |
InstacartShoppers | 5432 | |
agedlikemilk | 5425 | |
NASCAR | 5395 | |
cscareerquestions | 5382 | |
4chan | 5375 | |
youngpeopleyoutube | 5371 | |
danganronpa | 5370 | |
Fantasy | 5367 | |
BikiniBottomTwitter | 5362 | |
lotrmemes | 5356 | |
SuicideWatch | 5343 | |
shittyfoodporn | 5341 | |
army | 5338 | |
actuallesbians | 5303 | |
MovieDetails | 5297 | |
subnautica | 5295 | |
AirForce | 5288 | |
40plusGoneWild | 5278 | X |
confessions | 5261 | |
maybemaybemaybe | 5254 | |
thenetherlands | 5248 | |
kotakuinaction2 | 5233 | |
bjj | 5218 | |
girlsfrontline | 5215 | |
DMAcademy | 5206 | |
Atlanta | 5204 | |
CrappyDesign | 5196 | |
NoMansSkyTheGame | 5152 | |
FundieSnark | 5149 | |
FUTMobile | 5148 | |
Choices | 5142 | |
Pokemongiveaway | 5140 | |
howardstern | 5135 | |
CanadaCoronavirus | 5130 | |
DynastyFF | 5130 | |
kpop | 5128 | |
gaybrosgonemild | 5126 | |
CapitalismVSocialism | 5119 | |
copypasta | 5113 | |
sandiego | 5110 | |
whowouldwin | 5110 | |
asoiaf | 5105 | |
afkarena | 5102 | |
FinalFantasy | 5102 | |
malaysia | 5093 | |
eu4 | 5086 | |
perfectlycutscreams | 5081 | |
ShitAmericansSay | 5041 | |
pussypassdenied | 5028 | |
startrek | 5027 | |
AskTrumpSupporters | 5026 | |
darksouls3 | 5006 | |
AusFinance | 5005 | |
medicine | 4998 | |
thewallstreet | 4998 | |
huntersbell | 4986 | |
FemaleDatingStrategy | 4957 | |
RaidShadowLegends | 4957 | |
ADHD | 4952 | |
LegendsOfRuneterra | 4940 | |
natureismetal | 4931 | |
Unemployment | 4908 | |
Michigan | 4907 | |
ACQR | 4891 | |
Sissies | 4888 | X |
newjersey | 4887 | |
buildapcsales | 4873 | |
ShouldIbuythisgame | 4871 | |
China | 4866 | |
WorldofTanks | 4862 | |
TheLastAirbender | 4860 | |
Suomi | 4832 | |
MarvelStrikeForce | 4828 | |
ihaveihaveihavereddi… | 4792 | |
drawing | 4785 | |
dubai | 4766 | |
madlads | 4757 | |
halo | 4753 | |
Planetside | 4748 | |
SonicTheHedgehog | 4724 | |
options | 4723 | |
rant | 4722 | |
RexLex | 4718 | |
Ozark | 4715 | |
alberta | 4708 | |
Eyebleach | 4705 | |
90dayfianceuncensored | 4696 | |
shittysuperpowers | 4689 | |
Sims4 | 4689 | |
lingling40hrs | 4684 | |
antiMLM | 4680 | |
amiugly | 4669 | |
FoodPorn | 4666 | |
AnimalsBeingDerps | 4662 | |
boardgames | 4655 | |
Animesuggest | 4653 | |
Teachers | 4645 | |
halifax | 4628 | |
crochet | 4627 | |
Firearms | 4609 | |
Fallout | 4604 | |
vexillology | 4603 | |
fireemblem | 4597 | |
pesmobile | 4595 | |
running | 4593 | |
japanlife | 4580 | |
MechanicAdvice | 4573 | |
golf | 4567 | |
patientgamers | 4567 | |
instant_regret | 4532 | |
normalnudes | 4527 | X |
TheMonkeysPaw | 4514 | |
orochinho | 4508 | |
furry | 4507 | |
cock | 4489 | X |
im14andthisisdeep | 4482 | |
mobilelegends | 4477 | |
legostarwars | 4469 | |
Chiraqology | 4468 | |
philadelphia | 4462 | |
oculus | 4453 | |
OurPresident | 4421 | |
Tekken | 4416 | |
dating | 4387 | |
Granblue_en | 4376 | |
oddlyterrifying | 4373 | |
blackdesertonline | 4361 | |
Eminem | 4358 | |
LaCasaDePapel | 4346 | |
technicallythetruth | 4335 | |
iamverybadass | 4333 | |
ActualPublicFreakouts | 4329 | |
brisbane | 4320 | |
RWBY | 4313 | |
Denver | 4303 | |
teslamotors | 4301 | |
assassinscreed | 4292 | |
heroesofthestorm | 4290 | |
DuelLinks | 4272 | |
BeAmazed | 4267 | |
UKPersonalFinance | 4260 | |
totalwar | 4251 | |
softwaregore | 4237 | |
blackmagicfuckery | 4235 | |
Anxiety | 4227 | |
HeistTeams | 4225 | |
Polska | 4220 | |
AnimalCrossingNewLeaf | 4212 | |
onguardforthee | 4210 | |
summonerschool | 4207 | |
Quebec | 4194 | |
hungary | 4190 | |
smashbros | 4168 | |
NSFWIAMA | 4152 | X |
ARK | 4144 | |
Fitness | 4142 | |
BigBoobsGW | 4131 | X |
intermittentfasting | 4127 | |
Cricket | 4121 | |
whatsthisplant | 4117 | |
MensRights | 4110 | |
asktrp | 4101 | |
JerkOffToCelebs | 4101 | X |
dogs | 4097 | |
greece | 4097 | |
Baking | 4087 | |
Target | 4068 | |
DissidiaFFOO | 4064 | |
Random_Acts_Of_Amazo… | 4050 | |
PUBGMobile | 4047 | |
AskDocs | 4046 | |
SWGalaxyOfHeroes | 4044 | |
ratemyboobs | 4034 | X |
TumblrInAction | 4017 | |
Eve | 4015 | |
Catholicism | 4011 | |
thelastofus | 4006 | |
Vaping | 3999 | |
GhostRecon | 3995 | |
financialindependence | 3967 | |
titanfall | 3967 | |
CitiesSkylines | 3953 | |
Breadit | 3945 | |
Naruto | 3943 | |
illnessfakersgonewild | 3940 | |
Accounting | 3932 | |
twinks | 3925 | X |
witcher | 3924 | |
2meirl4meirl | 3906 | |
Winnipeg | 3903 | |
Slut | 3902 | X |
gatekeeping | 3897 | |
Edmonton | 3890 | |
Instagramreality | 3875 | |
rarepuppers | 3875 | |
bisexual | 3872 | |
reddevils | 3870 | |
feedthebeast | 3858 | |
cringe | 3846 | |
SmolBeanSnark | 3845 | |
WouldYouFuckMyWife | 3838 | X |
btd6 | 3817 | |
london | 3813 | |
milf | 3803 | X |
MakeupAddiction | 3799 | |
SpoiledDragRace | 3791 | |
datingoverthirty | 3789 | |
DigitalCodeSELL | 3778 | |
Guildwars2 | 3770 | |
ladybonersgw | 3739 | X |
DadsGoneWild | 3738 | X |
blender | 3729 | |
benzodiazepines | 3724 | |
ACPocketCamp | 3722 | |
BreedingMaterial | 3721 | X |
DeadBedrooms | 3717 | |
playboicarti | 3716 | |
thewalkingdead | 3715 | |
crossdressing | 3711 | |
Shitty_Car_Mods | 3700 | |
MandJTV | 3696 | |
Turkey | 3695 | |
whatsthisbug | 3690 | |
bodybuilding | 3687 | |
overlord | 3680 | |
touhou | 3673 | |
thesopranos | 3670 | |
ufc | 3668 | |
SCP | 3667 | |
PSO2 | 3664 | |
TheWeeknd | 3663 | |
vanderpumprules | 3652 | |
saltierthancrait | 3651 | |
CanadaPolitics | 3648 | |
CrusaderKings | 3646 | |
Nude_Selfie | 3638 | X |
Parenting | 3635 | |
learnpython | 3623 | |
vaporents | 3617 | |
southafrica | 3616 | |
Kaiserreich | 3611 | |
BabyBumps | 3610 | |
AnimalCrossingTrading | 3609 | |
opiates | 3600 | |
florida | 3598 | |
AbruptChaos | 3597 | |
booksuggestions | 3596 | |
hoggit | 3594 | |
Archero | 3590 | |
fountainpens | 3572 | |
summonerswar | 3570 | |
askscience | 3569 | |
ich_iel | 3568 | |
progun | 3563 | |
GenderCritical | 3558 | |
ATBGE | 3554 | |
KimetsuNoYaiba | 3554 | |
COVID19positive | 3549 | |
progresspics | 3549 | |
EarthPorn | 3539 | |
curlyhair | 3526 | |
asktransgender | 3516 | |
Gunpla | 3514 | |
loseit | 3503 | |
fatlogic | 3501 | |
metacanada | 3494 | |
Destiny | 3484 | |
SluttyConfessions | 3476 | X |
electricians | 3454 | |
MouseReview | 3454 | |
YouShouldKnow | 3453 | |
bloodborne | 3451 | |
CoronavirusWA | 3450 | |
thesims | 3422 | |
navy | 3416 | |
pakistan | 3398 | |
moviescirclejerk | 3396 | |
askTO | 3392 | |
phgonewild | 3391 | X |
comicbooks | 3390 | |
MonsterHunter | 3375 | |
KotakuInAction | 3374 | |
publix | 3367 | |
quarantineactivities | 3364 | |
holdmycosmo | 3361 | |
RealEstate | 3357 | |
space | 3356 | |
Brawlhalla | 3349 | |
dirtyr4r | 3349 | X |
Boxing | 3346 | |
GoForGold | 3345 | |
TeamfightTactics | 3335 | |
TopMindsOfReddit | 3323 | |
misfits | 3309 | |
FragileWhiteRedditor | 3307 | |
DC_Cinematic | 3293 | |
POLITIC | 3287 | |
bestof | 3259 | |
geometrydash | 3259 | |
Minecraftbuilds | 3249 | |
ZoomClasses | 3239 | |
puns | 3238 | |
LabourUK | 3196 | |
ThatsInsane | 3186 | |
TeenAmIUgly | 3168 | |
TannahVibes | 3164 | |
freefolk | 3138 | |
CODZombies | 3128 | |
writing | 3107 | |
Seattle | 3105 | |
rickandmorty | 3080 | |
redscarepod | 3078 | |
PresidentialRaceMemes | 3076 | |
CPTSD | 3062 | |
PixelGun | 3055 | |
DarkJokeCentral | 3040 | |
youseeingthisshit | 3031 | |
GCdebatesQT | 3010 | |
GTA6 | 3007 | |
Stadia | 3004 | |
GameDeals | 2978 | |
GoCommitDie | 2977 | |
badunitedkingdom | 2964 | |
MarriedAtFirstSight | 2957 | |
HollowKnight | 2944 | |
ifyoulikeblank | 2943 | |
R6ProLeague | 2938 | |
PersonalFinanceCanad… | 2935 | |
IllegalLifeProTips | 2930 | |
BetterEveryLoop | 2928 | |
pregnant | 2925 | |
JizzedToThis | 2908 | X |
programming | 2901 | |
toastme | 2892 | |
DiWHY | 2890 | |
worldbuilding | 2888 | |
GetMotivated | 2879 | |
Piracy | 2876 | |
OutOfTheLoop | 2874 | |
xqcow | 2871 | |
learnprogramming | 2870 | |
LeagueOfMemes | 2855 | |
CryptoCurrency | 2853 | |
JordanPeterson | 2852 | |
Konosuba | 2851 | |
nonononoyes | 2849 | |
transformers | 2844 | |
namenerds | 2842 | |
Twitch | 2826 | |
premed | 2798 | |
thefighterandthekid | 2787 | |
makinghiphop | 2777 | |
FFRecordKeeper | 2773 | |
sadboys | 2773 | |
playrust | 2765 | |
Columbus | 2759 | |
roblox | 2750 | |
DankExchange | 2729 | |
EDC | 2728 | |
rpg | 2726 | |
belgium | 2721 | |
Ohio | 2717 | |
hmmm | 2711 | |
medicalschool | 2701 | |
DankMemesFromSite19 | 2700 | |
HypixelSkyblock | 2699 | |
FanFiction | 2689 | |
mbti | 2680 | |
iRacing | 2656 | |
OkBubbyRetard | 2651 | |
Nerf | 2644 | |
BreakUps | 2639 | |
weekendgunnit | 2632 | |
norge | 2612 | |
sewing | 2602 | |
nostalgia | 2594 | |
jobuds2 | 2592 | X |
tooktoomuch | 2587 | |
NewHorizonsAC | 2583 | |
Misogynyfetish | 2581 | X |
indieheads | 2575 | |
NewOrleans | 2575 | |
Nudes | 2553 | X |
unpopularkpopopinions | 2543 | |
Windows10 | 2538 | |
FFBraveExvius | 2532 | |
darksouls | 2531 | |
CruciblePlaybook | 2529 | |
AC_trading | 2508 | |
homelab | 2500 | |
Pacybits | 2499 | |
TwoSentenceHorror | 2489 | |
badwomensanatomy | 2467 | |
MDMA | 2450 | |
2kmyteam | 2448 | |
WritingPrompts | 2437 | |
StLouis | 2425 | |
skyrimmods | 2420 | |
footballmanagergames | 2406 | |
MtvChallenge | 2402 | |
CallOfDuty | 2400 | |
egg_irl | 2382 | |
Watchexchange | 2373 | |
phish | 2368 | |
Polcompball | 2362 | |
zelda | 2359 | |
pittsburgh | 2357 | |
houkai3rd | 2349 | |
exmuslim | 2343 | |
carporn | 2325 | |
femalefashionadvice | 2315 | |
Ifyouhadtopickone | 2311 | X |
Dallas | 2294 | |
rva | 2271 | |
succulents | 2242 | |
bicycling | 2241 | |
BeautyGuruChatter | 2239 | |
justneckbeardthings | 2238 | |
guitarpedals | 2216 | |
tacticalgear | 2214 | |
entertainment | 2211 | |
aviation | 2203 | |
CoronavirusRecession | 2190 | |
doordash_drivers | 2190 | |
GiftofGames | 2190 | |
GunAccessoriesForSal… | 2172 | |
ShitPoliticsSays | 2172 | |
NFL_Draft | 2159 | |
Mordhau | 2157 | |
bettafish | 2145 | |
StockMarket | 2145 | |
fo4 | 2144 | |
DMT | 2142 | |
WeAreTheMusicMakers | 2130 | |
shittyrainbow6 | 2126 | |
ender3 | 2125 | |
uwaterloo | 2118 | |
knifeclub | 2117 | |
UTAustinAdmissions | 2117 | |
fut | 2116 | |
TowerofGod | 2099 | |
UnresolvedMysteries | 2088 | |
DebateReligion | 2081 | |
MAAU | 2077 | |
cursedimages | 2064 | |
moderatepolitics | 2043 | |
toptalent | 2025 | |
csgo | 2019 | |
AskNYC | 2012 | |
sadcringe | 1989 | |
wholesomeanimemes | 1967 | |
Knife_Swap | 1963 | |
ToiletPaperUSA | 1953 | |
MovieSuggestions | 1950 | |
discgolf | 1945 | |
malefashionadvice | 1919 | |
simracing | 1911 | |
frugalmalefashion | 1907 | |
Coffee | 1903 | |
factorio | 1902 | |
FrankOcean | 1900 | |
AFL | 1890 | |
playstation | 1890 | |
greysanatomy | 1887 | |
comics | 1878 | |
perth | 1870 | |
aspergers | 1840 | |
ftm | 1824 | |
RateMyNudeBody | 1821 | X |
nashville | 1815 | |
JRPG | 1813 | |
latterdaysaints | 1807 | |
iamverysmart | 1804 | |
Needafriend | 1791 | |
Sexsells | 1789 | X |
FifaCareers | 1788 | |
FLMedicalTrees | 1782 | |
thatHappened | 1775 | |
StardustCrusaders | 1772 | |
FiftyFifty | 1766 | |
BigBrother | 1760 | |
Homebrewing | 1757 | |
BeachbodyHunSnark | 1744 | |
KerbalSpaceProgram | 1737 | |
Justrolledintothesho… | 1735 | |
lonely | 1734 | |
espanol | 1727 | |
Boruto | 1724 | |
churning | 1723 | |
SGExams | 1722 | |
Assistance | 1720 | |
boxoffice | 1710 | |
ask | 1702 | |
minnesota | 1690 | |
Cubers | 1688 | |
walkingwarrobots | 1687 | |
GoneWildTrans | 1682 | X |
Brunei | 1672 | |
rule34 | 1661 | X |
piercing | 1658 | |
GearsOfWar | 1654 | |
xbox | 1653 | |
MuslimMarriage | 1644 | |
comedyheaven | 1638 | |
eagles | 1628 | |
FuckYouKaren | 1626 | |
seriouseats | 1623 | |
DemocratsforDiversit… | 1613 | |
atland | 1604 | |
quityourbullshit | 1586 | |
eyeblech | 1581 | X |
Jreg | 1581 | |
AnimalsBeingJerks | 1550 | |
Bad_Cop_No_Donut | 1545 | |
LiverpoolFC | 1545 | |
Sacramento | 1539 | |
cocaine | 1520 | |
APStudents | 1514 | |
Psychonaut | 1503 | |
BoJackHorseman | 1493 | |
Gunners | 1489 | |
terracehouse | 1487 | |
Sekiro | 1486 | |
sports | 1484 | |
yesyesyesyesno | 1479 | |
China_irl | 1470 | |
gadgets | 1468 | |
nordic | 1465 | |
ShingekiNoKyojin | 1464 | |
adamdriverfans | 1461 | |
sugarlifestyleforum | 1457 | |
AustralianPolitics | 1449 | |
minecraftsuggestions | 1444 | |
90dayfianceuncensore… | 1440 | |
DeuxRAMA | 1433 | |
osugame | 1431 | |
AnimalCrossingTradin… | 1415 | |
HFY | 1413 | |
WatchURaffle | 1411 | |
youtubehaiku | 1404 | |
NuxTakuSubmissions | 1387 | |
civ | 1380 | |
offlineTV | 1378 | |
Sourdough | 1372 | |
nova | 1370 | |
ValveIndex | 1359 | |
streetwear | 1349 | |
IASIP | 1348 | |
NewTubers | 1348 | |
CCW | 1329 | |
Kanye | 1316 | |
SiegeAcademy | 1315 | |
AnimalCrossingNewLea… | 1314 | |
AskCulinary | 1311 | |
clevercomebacks | 1308 | |
gonewildaudio | 1304 | X |
knitting | 1297 | |
OverwatchUniversity | 1287 | |
rpdrcringe | 1283 | |
penpals | 1272 | |
notliketheothergirls | 1266 | |
GameSale | 1263 | |
PokemonGoFriends | 1262 | |
VictoriaBC | 1261 | |
woooosh | 1261 | |
PKA | 1257 | |
Residency | 1257 | |
BooksThatFeelLikeThis | 1248 | |
MMORPG | 1248 | |
FortniteCreative | 1245 | |
Silverbugs | 1239 | |
homegym | 1230 | |
HazbinHotel | 1219 | |
researchchemicals | 1214 | |
illnessfakersgonewil… | 1207 | |
boobs | 1201 | X |
fasting | 1178 | |
livepd | 1172 | |
RobinHoodPennyStocks | 1170 | |
confidentlyincorrect | 1146 | |
flying | 1130 | |
memesITA | 1130 | |
PoliticalDiscussion | 1109 | |
TechNewsToday | 1106 | |
Meggnut02 | 1104 | |
TurnipStonkMarket | 1100 | |
Rainbow6TTS | 1098 | |
TheMaskedSinger | 1093 | |
RedditMasterClasses | 1088 | |
TrollXChromosomes | 1085 | |
linux | 1064 | |
financialindependenc… | 1062 | |
lastoasis | 1054 | |
SuddenlyGay | 1043 | |
NetflixBestOf | 1040 | |
unpopularkpopopinion… | 1033 | |
coronabr | 1019 | |
astrology | 1018 | |
weedstocks | 1016 | |
hoi4 | 1010 | |
drunk | 1007 | |
FakeCollegeFootball | 1004 | |
custommagic | 999 | |
crafts | 997 | |
specializedtools | 997 | |
NintendoSwitchDeals | 993 | |
bodyweightfitness | 991 | |
netflix | 991 | |
KrunkerIO | 981 | |
Scotland | 981 | |
starbucks | 981 | |
WouldYouRather | 981 | |
redditserials | 977 | |
trap | 977 | |
fragrance | 976 | |
SCJerk | 976 | |
cringepics | 974 | |
Jazza | 969 | |
suspiciouslyspecific | 967 | |
Military | 964 | |
OakIsland | 959 | |
Steam | 952 | |
CatastrophicFailure | 951 | |
PSVR | 951 | |
SaltLakeCity | 951 | |
penis | 950 | X |
MaliciousCompliance | 943 | |
ak47 | 932 | |
maryland | 929 | |
SmallYTChannel | 929 | |
DCcomics | 925 | |
JellesMarbleRuns | 916 | |
Frugal | 915 | |
BanVideoGames | 914 | |
AnimalsBeingBros | 907 | |
CoDCompetitive | 906 | |
CoronavirusMemes | 902 | |
keto | 902 | |
Stims | 901 | |
uruguay | 899 | |
bigdickproblems | 893 | |
MinecraftMemes | 893 | |
Ultralight | 890 | |
Entrepreneur | 889 | |
weddingplanning | 887 | |
bigtiddygothgf | 885 | X |
dontyouknowwhoiam | 880 | |
sanfrancisco | 878 | |
synthesizers | 877 | |
TrueChristian | 877 | |
bestoflegaladvice | 873 | |
rollercoasters | 872 | |
AppleWatch | 868 | |
FreeCompliments | 868 | |
miraculousladybug | 867 | |
PERSoNA | 867 | |
zoomraids | 867 | |
CombatFootage | 864 | |
asklatinamerica | 862 | |
Hotwife | 861 | X |
EngineeringStudents | 860 | |
GWAustralia | 855 | X |
discordapp | 854 | |
imaginarymaps | 851 | |
headphones | 850 | |
pumparum | 849 | |
Connecticut | 847 | |
MTB | 842 | |
My600lbLife | 841 | |
CoronavirusCA | 840 | |
HuntsvilleAlabama | 840 | |
raimimemes | 838 | |
Borderlands | 835 | |
BooksThatFeelLikeThi… | 834 | |
RepTime | 831 | |
softhead | 830 | |
USPS | 829 | |
poker | 822 | |
galaxys10 | 820 | |
LegalTeens | 819 | X |
phoenix | 819 | |
HairyPussy | 818 | X |
plantclinic | 817 | |
Anthpo | 805 | |
TownofSalemgame | 803 | |
imsorryjon | 802 | |
college | 801 | |
dxm | 801 | |
wisconsin | 782 | |
ASX_Bets | 774 | |
AllHentai | 733 | X |
forbiddensnacks | 726 | |
Markiplier | 718 | |
brakebills | 700 | |
homelabsales | 669 | |
HaggardGarage | 651 | |
CleetusMcFarland | 649 | |
Drama | 625 | |
Offensivejokes | 619 | |
teslainvestorsclub | 614 | |
mormon | 611 | |
CrackWatch | 607 | |
creepy | 596 | |
AbsoluteUnits | 587 | |
PS4Deals | 586 | |
truegaming | 582 | |
TLCsisterwives | 579 | |
htgawm | 575 | |
covidcookery | 571 | |
forza | 567 | |
mysticmessenger | 565 | |
BollyBlindsNGossip | 564 | |
realestateinvesting | 562 | |
MilitaryPorn | 560 | |
AskHistorians | 559 | |
madisonwi | 557 | |
Mcat | 557 | |
gaybros | 556 | |
ACTurnip | 555 | |
dontputyourdickinthat | 555 | |
Bossfight | 548 | |
riskofrain | 546 | |
blessunleashed | 541 | |
Botchedsurgeries | 536 | |
Duklock | 534 | |
fakehistoryporn | 531 | |
GifRecipes | 530 | |
philosophy | 528 | |
BreadTube | 527 | |
future_fight | 526 | |
greentext | 517 | |
Wizard101 | 516 | |
blunderyears | 514 | |
spikes | 513 | |
Bestbuy | 504 | |
oneplus | 502 | |
spacex | 502 | |
texas | 502 | |
Project_Mind_ARG | 496 | |
reddeadredemption2 | 496 | |
feemagers | 494 | |
KDRAMA | 494 | |
socialskills | 492 | |
TheStrokes | 492 | |
desabafos | 491 | |
menwritingwomen | 488 | |
GooglePixel | 486 | |
UnethicalLifeProTips | 484 | |
ACNHTurnips | 479 | |
samsung | 479 | |
FiddlesticksMains | 478 | |
Xenoblade_Chronicles | 478 | |
aoe2 | 477 | |
digimon | 477 | |
BisexualTeens | 476 | |
redditbay | 476 | |
sto | 473 | |
islam | 470 | |
WrestleWithThePlot | 469 | |
MCPE | 467 | |
Kappa | 466 | |
Browns | 465 | |
casualiama | 465 | |
minipainting | 461 | |
samharris | 461 | |
coins | 460 | |
MGTOW2 | 458 | |
BitcoinMarkets | 457 | |
bigonewild | 456 | X |
HPHogwartsMystery | 456 | |
TheSilphArena | 455 | |
bangtan | 454 | |
JoeBiden | 454 | |
uAlberta | 454 | |
mtgfinance | 453 | |
PresidentialRaceMeme… | 453 | |
solotravel | 450 | |
bonehurtingjuice | 447 | |
antiwork | 446 | |
heightmatters | 446 | |
woahdude | 446 | |
Iowa | 445 | |
dragonage | 444 | |
webdev | 443 | |
MemeEconomy | 442 | |
MoreTankieChapo | 442 | |
gay | 441 | |
Pete_Buttigieg | 441 | |
IdentityV | 440 | |
PoliticalCompass | 440 | |
iphone | 439 | |
LawSchool | 438 | |
PrivateFiction | 438 | |
TeensMeetTeens | 438 | |
CompetitiveEDH | 436 | |
FloridaMan | 436 | |
librandu | 436 | |
ModernWarzone | 436 | |
nosleep | 435 | |
Kengan_Ashura | 434 | |
DirtySnapchat | 433 | X |
intj | 433 | |
PvZGardenWarfare | 433 | |
CAguns | 432 | |
Frozen | 432 | |
Metalcore | 432 | |
dauntless | 430 | |
friendsafari | 430 | |
PlanetZoo | 430 | |
War_of_Muffin | 430 | |
PS4Dreams | 429 | |
PlantedTank | 428 | |
Sidemen | 428 | |
trippinthroughtime | 427 | |
smoking | 426 | |
excel | 425 | |
ninjavoltage | 425 | |
GreenBayPackers | 423 | |
longboarding | 423 | |
askcarsales | 422 | |
korea | 422 | |
lifehacks | 422 | |
nrl | 422 | |
ACNHvillagertrade | 421 | |
japan | 420 | |
StarWarsCantina | 420 | |
CrossStitch | 419 | |
nevertellmetheodds | 419 | |
workgonewild | 419 | X |
ihadastroke | 418 | |
sbubby | 418 | |
wholesomejojo | 418 | |
CanadianInvestor | 417 | |
tax | 417 | |
knives | 416 | |
SpaceXLounge | 416 | |
PleX | 415 | |
RocketLeagueEsports | 414 | |
ApexOutlands | 413 | |
PokemonMasters | 413 | |
AbandonedPorn | 412 | |
UofT | 412 | |
sffpc | 411 | |
SweatyPalms | 409 | |
ravens | 408 | |
crashbandicoot | 407 | |
polls | 407 | |
ActualPublicFreakout… | 404 | |
CoachCorySubmissions | 404 | |
ExpandDorn | 404 | |
godtiersuperpowers | 404 | |
DIY | 403 | |
RepLadies | 403 | |
yourmomshousepodcast | 403 | |
Seahawks | 402 | |
AskALiberal | 400 | |
bipolar | 400 | |
unOrdinary_RP | 400 | |
DemocraticSocialism | 399 | |
SaimanSays | 399 | |
lululemon | 398 | |
BlackClover | 397 | |
HumansAreMetal | 397 | |
WWE | 397 | |
btc | 396 | |
Abortiondebate | 394 | |
BPD | 390 | |
Thailand | 389 | |
TittyDrop | 389 | X |
socialism | 388 | |
audiophile | 387 | |
IsItBullshit | 384 | |
gachagaming | 382 | |
HuntShowdown | 382 | |
castiron | 381 | |
Anarcho_Capitalism | 378 |