Posted on August 27, 2021
Song of the Day: Million Questions
Today’s song is Million Questions by Urban Contact.
Some light, melodic electronic music.
Of course it has a drop, because why wouldn’t it?
Drum kit. Heavy base skewing. Electronic flares and (a few) wub-wub elements.
I should hate it, but I don’t. This one works for me.
It’s simple, but soothing. That acoustic guitar makes this song rather relaxing.
Not some ‘incredible track’ or anything.
Just a nice song that I wanted to highlight.
Apologies if you don’t like electronic music.
Can’t enjoy every genre, but you might find an odd-one-out that strikes your fancy.
Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.