Song of the Day: Destruction

Today’s song is Destruction by Joywave.

Alt-Rock with a electronic-indie hook.
An odd duck, but I dig it.
The hooks are unique and the whistling is a nice touch.

That introduction is such a charming/memorable element that leads into the song rather well.

I wanna know who you told ’til they’re all laying on the floor. Frozen to the core.

Most pay attention to the base, but those drums are phenomenal at keeping the pace.

Love the inclusion of the horns that melt into digital points. Theatrical vibe there.
Something about the tone of this one feels specific but varied. It’s hard to pinpoint.

What I know is that I enjoy the sound and that it’s fairly distinct.


Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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