Song of the Day: Jackie Onassis

Today’s song is Jackie Onassis by ELIO.

A rather dark song that lingers on the hook, solidifying it as an earworm.
Seriously, as you read the lyrics, then understand the subject, it’s grim, bleak and nihilistic.
It’s odd how some of the seemingly sugar-sweet pop songs can have such harsh undertones.

The main focus centers on the lyrics, but the backing has some interesting elements.
Listen to it again, paying attention how each verse allows a new backing layer.

We can be like Jackie Onassis and wear big glasses.

It’s odd that central focus of the song involves Jackie Kennedy Onassis, the former first lady.

Once that acoustic hits and the lyrics bullet through I knew the song had me.
I have mixed feelings about it, but it stood out far too much to ignore.


Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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