Song of the Day: I Don’t Know Why

Today’s song is I Don’t Know Why by NOTD & Astrid S.

A synth song collaboration between a Norwegian singer and a Swedish duo.

I like the use of backing instrumentation. The strings add a lot to the tone.
It all gives a punch to the vocals. They fade in and out to alter with the lyrics, and it works well.

The room keeps shaking. Put your arms around me and the walls start breaking.
Tell me that you found me and my world starts changing. I see it all in my mind.

It’s neat that there isn’t much distortion, even among all of those fades.

There is a mood that follows this, and the lyrics flesh it all out.
You gain a sense of unease, but the good-nervous kind that follows a bout of infatuation.
As the track progresses you notice the clear-cut confidence. It works for me.

Leave it beautiful astrid s.png


Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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