Posted on December 9, 2021
Song of the Day: Progress
Today’s song is Progress by Great Good Fine Ok.
I enjoy how upbeat this track is, even if there are a ton of eclectic elements to it.
The tone is bright and overall pace of this one is quick.
The concept of ‘growing’ as you get older tends to be a confusing notion.
This song seems to investigate that, looking back.
I used to think I’ve been around the block.
I used to be a lot of things I’m not.
As you listen, you start to notice all of the backing ‘oddities’, like off-kilter sounds and noises.
One of the interesting things about synthpop is that the songs don’t age so sharply as some.
Synth tends to serve as a ‘mash-up’ of genres, which gives it a less definite age.
Granted, yeah, I have no doubt that the electronic noises will date it, but for the most part, it’s hard to pin down.
Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.