Song of the Day: Battlefield

Today’s song is Battlefield by Jordin Sparks.

I think this track is hard-stuck with a ‘late-2000’s’ sound. Not a bad thing, but fairly obvious sound dating.
It makes up for that with a bombastic feel that really shapes it well.

Both hands tied behind my back with nothing.
Oh no, these times when we climb so fast to fall again.

This track has a ‘weighty’ production. Has a heft to it that hits you like bombshells (likely the intention).

My favorite aspect are the drums. Really adds a lot to the backing sound.
Yes, Sparks has an excellent voice, and it is the main focal point of the track. That said, I’m more partial to the instrumentation (like the piano, percussion and the electronic ‘warbling’ that follows the whole track for some reason).
As for the theme, it’s solid. Relationship-based songs tend to have a timeless quailty (even when the sound design usually isn’t).



Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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