Song of the Day: Diet Coke

Today’s song is Diet Coke by Leanna Firestone.

Alt Pop.
An offbeat track about dealing with anorexia. Yeah, this is a weird one, but still super catchy and it sticks with you.
The drums with this are punchy and the lyric progression melds together well.

All my friends tell me I’m more than just “some stupid number”,
but nothing will taste as good as being small for summer.

Gives off some solid post-grunge pop. The edge works well (especially given the subject material).

Most deal with body dysmorphia at some point in their lives, and this track highlights dieting and the impacts of trying to ‘look good’ for others.
It also focuses on Diet Coke and if the efforts of starving one’s self are worth it.
The lyrics really hit on a bleak message of self-rationalization, and this concept really draws me in.


Click here for the full YouTube playlist (of all of the song’s I’ve talked about).
I’ve talked about hundreds of them, so you’re bound to find something entertaining.

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